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Weiwuying Learning


Refined Love Era

Adapted Playbooks
Refined Love Era

Voices of Love Across Multiple Eras

"Adaptation" is the rainbow bridge from literature to performance. " Refined Love Era," as the script collection for the 3rd Literary Adaptation Workshop, showcases the various faces of "love" in different relationships.

This collection features 22 adapted scripts based on nine Taiwanese literary works from 1956 to 2022. It captures the repeated trials of "love" across different ethnicities, languages, and social backgrounds. These scripts depict collisions, pursuits, and legacies, telling not only personal stories but also the life journeys you and I might have heard or experienced in this society.

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Distinctive Era


Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫Weiwuying 衛武營