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Weiwuying Learning


Animal Era

Adapted Playbooks
Animal Era

The Coexistence of Humans and Animals in Performance.

"Adaptation" bridges literature and performance, and “Animal Era" exemplifies this as a collection from the second Literary Scriptwriting Workshop, brimming with childlike wonder and imagination.

This anthology comprises 21 works adapted from ten prose pieces or stories centered around "animals." It traverses a spectrum of themes: from bureaucratic malpractices during the Japanese imperialization period to rural tragedies amid social change, and the media's awakening in modern times, discerning the authenticity of news. The collection explores a variety of natural and mythical narratives, from the early ecology of the leopard cat and the legend of the phoenix to the coexistence of humans and cats. It also delves into the behavioral studies of wild boars and flying squirrels, leading to the philosophy of indigenous hunters living in synergy with nature. The playwrights, adopting the perspective of animals, transform plain literary language into scripted dialogues. This anthropomorphic approach offers a nuanced interpretation of the coexistence between humans and animals.

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Distinctive Era


Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫Weiwuying 衛武營