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Weiwuying Learning


Neo-Classic Dance Company - Carmina Burana

Call Cue
Neo-Classic Dance Company - Carmina Burana

The People Who Dance on Notes

How a dance is performed is often inextricably linked to music. Did you know many choreographers prefer to use music with a unique character?

Whether it's classical, pop, or special sound effects, inspiration can be found in each.

The Neo-Classic Dance Company draws inspiration from the widely recognized Carmina Burana. Its classical operatic singing in Latin often leads people to mistake Carmina Burana for a hymn. However, its performance content is more a bold and vivid depiction of the natural world and worldly love. The Neo-Classic Dance Company, under the dramatic and powerful orchestration, delivers a brilliant interpretation, presenting a dance that brings the music to“life.”

Give it a try

Choose a music of your liking and try to express it through your body!

Fall/Winter 2022

Weiwuying Call Cue: A User's Guide

Whether you're a general audience member, student, teacher, or parent, Call Cue offers you the chance to dive into various topics and discussions through its high-quality, well-designed online resources.

Make Call Cue your go-to guide for pre-performance reading and enhance your understanding of performances with a multitude of perspectives!

Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫