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Weiwuying Learning


【Mini Masterclass】Instead of Arguing, Let’s Sing a Musical!

【Mini Masterclass】Instead of Arguing, Let’s Sing a Musical!

Why do people say that if you want to yell at someone, you should sing songs from a musical?

You know what, when some people get really emotional, they do feel like singing. When you break up with someone and get mad in a conflict, it can be a bridge between everyday life and singing pieces from musicals.

What are the features of musicals? Let's take a look at them!

Performance group

Speaker:Artistic Director of VMTheater TSENG Hui-cheng

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【Weiwuying Mini Masterclass】Opera : Is it a Concert or a Drama? 

【Weiwuying Mini Masterclass】Rocking the Taiwanese Opera

衛武營 Mini Masterclass