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Weiwuying Learning


【Learning Arts Together】Come check out this instrument that cost NT$120 million to make (and Weiwuying doesn’t just have one!) with Internet celebrity Teacher CHIANG: Organ (Part II)

【Learning Arts Together】Come check out this instrument that cost NT$120 million to make (and Weiwuying doesn’t just have one!) with Internet celebrity Teacher CHIANG: Organ (Part II)

OPEN Weiwuying's Concert Hall boasts Asia's largest organ.

With a relaxed, easily understood discussion between Internet celebrity Teacher CHIANG and LIU Hsin-hung, adults and children alike can learn about the organ's principles of design and functions.


  • How were organ stops controlled in the past?

  • How are organs controlled now?

  • What is the function of the small buttons below the organ keyboard?

  • The stops change the timbre of the organ!

  • Why does the Weiwuying organ have five sets of keyboard? What are their functions?

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【Learning Arts Together】Come check out this instrument that cost NT$120 million to make (and Weiwuying doesn't just have one!) with Internet celebrity Teacher CHIANG: Organ (Part I)

Weiwuying's Concert Hall is Taiwan's only music venue with vineyard-style seating. Take a look with Teacher CHIANG to see what's so special about it.

Concert Hall 音樂廳Learning Arts Together 衛武營藝企學Organ 管風琴Teacher_CHIANG 江老師