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Weiwuying Learning


Sonic Playground: A Soundwalk Through the Banyan Plaza

Lesson Plan
Sonic Playground: A Soundwalk Through the Banyan Plaza

Have you heard the wind weave through Weiwuying Banyan Plaza?

Banyan Plaza at Weiwuying is an open and dynamic space that poses significant challenges in acoustic design. Renowned acoustician Albert XU and his team, instead of attempting to suppress the echoes and reverberations in the space, embraced its natural acoustics. This approach has transformed the plaza into a soundscape cherished by both musicians and the public.

The attached document, provided by XU's granddaughter, Maily, offers an introductory exploration of how acoustics shape the surrounding environment. Through this e-handout, you can experience the unique auditory characteristics of sounds in different corners of the plaza. Whether you are familiar with acoustics or simply curious, this resource will enrich your perception and impression of the sounds in everyday spaces.


  • From wave to sound

  • Psycho Acoustics

  • The "volume & frequency" of sound


YLÏAM (Maïly Beyrens XU)

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Weiwuying 衛武營Albert XU 徐亞英