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Weiwuying Learning


The Master of Architectural Acoustics Albert XU x NSO - Part II

The Master of Architectural Acoustics Albert XU x NSO - Part II

Discover how your hearing experience is calibrated!

Acoustic architecture Albert XU's design of the Weiwuying Concert Hall, which treats the venue as a massive instrument, allows for the extension of the orchestra's sound through architectural and acoustic integration, creating a beautiful symphony between the hall and the musicians.

This concept transforms the concert hall from a mere venue into Taiwan's premier musical space. Experience Master XU's architectural acoustics genius and understand the intricate relationship between acoustic design and auditory perception through the NSO's experiments.


  • Discover the ingenious design of the Weiwuying Concert Hall

  • Trumpet sound direction test


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The Master of Architectural Acoustics Albert XU x NSO - Part I

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