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Weiwuying Learning


WEBER - Der Freischütz

Call Cue
WEBER - Der Freischütz

Would you dare to make a deal with the devil in the face of temptation?

A contract signed with the devil that grants wealth, love, or anything you desire. While struggling on the edge of despair and fear, how do you overcome inner demons and desires? Can human heartss and souls truly be commodities for sale?

In Der Freischütz, composer Carl Maria von WEBER uses a nuanced musical vocabulary to unveil the inner conflict and emotional turmoil of characters engaged in diabolical deals, wrestling between good and evil.

This opera established the significant concept of orchestras “telling a story.” Confronted with temptation and caught moral dilemma, our inner values and ethical boundaries guide us. Der Freischütz, by blending opera with literature, deeply explores these themes, encouraging a better understanding and reflection of our inner worlds.

Autumn/Winter 2023

Weiwuying Call Cue: A User's Guide

Whether you're a general audience member, student, teacher, or parent, Call Cue offers you the chance to dive into various topics and discussions through its high-quality, well-designed online resources.

Make Call Cue your go-to guide for pre-performance reading and enhance your understanding of performances with a multitude of perspectives!

Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫