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Weiwuying Learning


【WEIWUYING THEATER 6】HaoxHsiao Troupe "Fear and Trembling Online"

【WEIWUYING THEATER 6】HaoxHsiao Troupe "Fear and Trembling Online"

What is “online theater” and how did it come about?

Can you really film theater performances in this way? Well, why not?

Who invited this group?

Performance group

HaoxHsiao Troupe

Cast and creative team: HUANG Chien-hao, HSIAO Tung-yi

Script: WANG Chien-jen, HUANG Chien-hao, HSIAO Tung-yi

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【WEIWUYING THEATER 6】Dacon.come "The Not-so-phantom of Weiwuying"

The name “Weiwuying Theater 6” comes from the fact that there are four indoor and one outdoor venue at Weiwuying, so the sixth is this one, online. People can just go onto Weiwuying's YouTube channel to watch brilliant performances anytime, anywhere!

Weiwuying Theater 6 衛武營第六劇場