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Weiwuying Learning


Weiwuying Organ Festival

Call Cue
Weiwuying Organ Festival

The King of Instruments - The Pipe Organ

"The rich tonal range of the pipe organ can rival that of a full orchestra," or so it is often said. The pipe organ is renowned for its immense size, powerful volume, varied timbre, complex structure, and being one of the most expensive instruments to construct. Additionally, it's the instrument most imbued with religious symbolism – truly, it holds a regal status.

Comprising bellows, pipes, keyboards, and stops, the pipe organ operates by the bellows sending air into the instrument. The player uses fingers or feet to press the keyboard, opening corresponding pipe stops to allow air into the pipes, thus producing sound. Notably, the organ at Weiwuying is the largest in all of Asia!

An organist"s physical activity during a performance can be compared to the Boiler Man in "Spirited Away," who must select the appropriate herbal bath packet (timbre) for different guests, delivering them with hot water to the right rooms (precise playing with hands and feet), all the while maintaining a graceful presence.

Physical Challenge: Become a Dexterous Organist

How challenging is it to coordinate hands and feet simultaneously? Let's explore!

Try drawing a triangle with your left hand and a square with your right hand. Next, draw a square with your left foot and a triangle with your right foot. Finally, try executing the hand and foot movements at the same time! If you manage these tasks with ease, venture into more complex shapes!

Weiwuying Call Cue: A User's Guide

Whether you're a general audience member, student, teacher, or parent, Call Cue offers you the chance to dive into various topics and discussions through its high-quality, well-designed online resources.

Make Call Cue your go-to guide for pre-performance reading and enhance your understanding of performances with a multitude of perspectives!

Organ 管風琴Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫