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Weiwuying Learning


Singing Instruction Video: G. Verdi: La Traviata“Libiamo, ne' lieti calici”

Singing Instruction Video: G. Verdi: La Traviata“Libiamo, ne' lieti calici”

Let's Opera

Can you sing opera even if you've never had formal training?

Grace LIN and Claude LIN team up in this video to teach how to sing the joyful duet “Libiamo, ne' lieti calici” from the opera La Traviata. In the first part, they discuss the plot’s background, sound production, points of resonance, overtones, abdominal breathing, Italian vowel pronunciation, and trills. In the second part, they instruct on individual verses in a step-by-step format, offering skills and tips on how to practice each verse, vowels, articulation, breathing, and cooperation. In the third and final part, they summarize everything and sing the song in its entirety.


G. Verdi: La Traviata“Libiamo, ne' lieti calici”

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La Traviata 茶花女Verdi 威爾第Weiwuying 衛武營Let's Opera 武營歐普拉