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Weiwuying Learning


Singing All the Night

Call Cue
Singing All the Night

Have you ever heard of Taiwanese variety shows?

During the 1980s economic boom in Taiwan, these shows gained widespread popularity due to their openness and connection to everyday life. In an era of economic prosperity, people were more inclined to invest time and money in entertainment. These highly popular shows not only became a sensation in Southeast Asia but also transformed numerous ordinary streets in Taiwan into vibrant hubs.Nevertheless, as television became more prevalent and entertainment options expanded, the popularity of these shows gradually waned. Do you know what the 1980s were like for the older generation in your family?

Did they ever attend such performances? What memories and impressions do they hold of these showplaces and variety shows?

Fall/Winter 2023

Weiwuying Call Cue: A User's Guide

Whether you're a general audience member, student, teacher, or parent, Call Cue offers you the chance to dive into various topics and discussions through its high-quality, well-designed online resources.

Make Call Cue your go-to guide for pre-performance reading and enhance your understanding of performances with a multitude of perspectives!

Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫