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Weiwuying Learning


Schaubühne Berlin - History of Violence

Call Cue
Schaubühne Berlin - History of Violence

How should we confront the various forms of violence stemming from language, gender, race, and discrimination?

History of Violence seeks to use a narrative to provoke reflection on the incidence of violence and our relationship with it. Reflecting on the rise of the #MeToo movement on social media after 2019, which empowered victims of sexual assault and harassment to share their stories, this movement has brought significant attention to societal issues of violence.

The play also reminds us that each of us bears the responsibility to reflect upon our own speech and action, ensuring we do not become a source of further harm to others. It calls for a collective effort from both individuals and society to create an environment characterized by greater respect and understanding.

Autumn/Winter 2023

Weiwuying Call Cue: A User's Guide

Whether you're a general audience member, student, teacher, or parent, Call Cue offers you the chance to dive into various topics and discussions through its high-quality, well-designed online resources.

Make Call Cue your go-to guide for pre-performance reading and enhance your understanding of performances with a multitude of perspectives!

Theater Arts and Education Project 劇場藝術體驗教育計畫